


vCENTER vSphere yazılımı yüklenerek sanallaştırma için kullanılan fiziksel sunucuların merkezi olarak yönetimi için kullanılan üründür. Foundation Maksimum 3 Host Management Service Database Server Inventory Service VMware vSphere Clients VMware vCenter APIs and .NET vCenter Single Sign-On Standart Management Service Database Server Inventory Service VMware vSphere Clients VMware vCenter APIs and .NET vCenter Single Sign-On vCenter Orchestrator vCenter Server Linked Mode vSPHERE Lider sanallaştırma yazılımıdır. Fiziksel sunucu üzerindeki donanım kaynaklarını birden fazla işletim sisteminin paylaşarak kullanmasına ve bu işletim sistemlerinin donanımdan bağımsız konteynerler içinde birbirlerini etkilemeden yüksek verimlilik ve esneklik esasına dayanarak çalışmasına imkan tanır.

Standart Virtual Volumes Storage vMotion High Availability Data Protection Storage Policy-Based Management/ Content Library vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Hot Add Enterprise Virtual Volumes Storage vMotion High Availability Data Protection Storage Policy-Based Management/ Content Library vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Hot Add Reliable Memory Big Data Extensions Virtual Serial Port Concentrator Distributed Resources Scheduler (DRS) Distributed Power Management (DPM) Storage APIs for Array Integration, Multipathing Enterprise Plus Virtual Volumes Storage vMotion High Availability Data Protection Storage Policy-Based Management / Content Library / Nvidia Grid vGPU vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Hot Add Reliable Memory Big Data Extensions Virtual Serial Port Concentrator Distributed Resources Scheduler (DRS) Distributed Power Management (DPM) Storage APIs for Array Integration, Multipathing Storage DRS and Profile-Driven Storage Storage I/O Control and Network I/O Control Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) Support Flash Read Cache Distributed Switch Host Profiles and Auto Deploy App HA Essentials Kits Essentials 3 Server (Her biri mak. 2 cpu) vCenter Server Essentials vSphere Hypervisor Essentials Plus 3 Server (Her biri maksimum 2 cpu) vCenter Server Essentials vSphere Hypervisor vMotion High Availability Data Protection vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Remote Office Branch Office Standart 25 vm vMotion Storage vMotion High Availability Data Protection Fault Tolerance vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Hot Add Advanced 25 vm vMotion Storage vMotion High Availability Data Protection Fault Tolerance vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Hot Add Host Profiles and Auto Deploy Distributed Switch vSOM (vSphere with Operations Management) Lider sanallaştırma platformu vSphere üzerine, sanallaştırılmış ortamlarda izleme, problem çözme ve kapasite planlama için gereken teknolojilerin de eklenmesiyle oluşturulmuş bütünleşik çözümdür. Standart vSphere Monitoring Capacity Optimization Operations Visibility Virtual Volumes Storage vMotion High Availability Data Protection Storage Policy-Based Management / Content Library vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Hot Add Enterprise vSphere Monitoring Capacity Optimization Operations Visibility Virtual Volumes Storage vMotion High Availability Data Protection Storage Policy-Based Management / Content Library vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Hot Add Reliable Memory Big Data Extensions Virtual Serial Port Concentrator Distributed Resources Scheduler (DRS) Distributed Power Management (DPM) Storage APIs for Array Integration, Multipathing Enterprise Plus vSphere Monitoring Capacity Optimization Operations Visibility Virtual Volumes Storage vMotion High Availability Data Protection Storage Policy-Based Management / Content Library vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Hot Add Reliable Memory Big Data Extensions Virtual Serial Port Concentrator Distributed Resources Scheduler (DRS) Distributed Power Management (DPM) Storage APIs for Array Integration, Multipathing Storage DRS and Profile-Driven Storage Storage I/O Control and Network I/O Control Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) Support Flash Read Cache Distributed Switch Host Profiles and Auto Deploy App HA Acceleration Kits Standart vCenter Server Std 6 cpu vSphere Monitoring Capacity Optimization Operations Visibility Virtual Volumes Storage vMotion High Availability Data Protection Storage Policy-Based Management / Content Library vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Hot Add Enterprise vCenter Server Std 6 cpu vSphere Monitoring Capacity Optimization Operations Visibility Virtual Volumes Storage vMotion High Availability Data Protection Storage Policy-Based Management / Content Library vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Hot Add Reliable Memory Big Data Extensions Virtual Serial Port Concentrator Distributed Resources Scheduler (DRS) Distributed Power Management (DPM) Storage APIs for Array Integration, Multipathing Enterprise Plus vCenter Server Std 6 cpu vSphere Monitoring Capacity Optimization Operations Visibility Virtual Volumes Storage vMotion High Availability Data Protection Storage Policy-Based Management / Content Library vShield Endpoint vSphere Replication Hot Add Reliable Memory Big Data Extensions Virtual Serial Port Concentrator Distributed Resources Scheduler (DRS) Distributed Power Management (DPM) Storage APIs for Array Integration, Multipathing Storage DRS and Profile-Driven Storage Storage I/O Control and Network I/O Control Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) Support Flash Read Cache Distributed Switch Host Profiles and Auto Deploy App HA SRM (vCenter Site Recovery Manager) Felaket anında FKM’nin düzgün bir şekilde ayağa kaldırılabilmesi için BT tarafından tasarlanması ve işleme konulması gereken tüm adımları otomatize ederek ortamın minimım insan müdahalesi ile hızlı bir şekilde çalışmaya başlamasını sağlar. Ayrıca henüz felaket gerçekleşmeden FKM’nin çalışırlığını test edip raporlanmasına imkan tanır. Standart 25vm Centralized recovery plans Self-service, policy-based provisioning Automated disaster recovery failover Planned migration and disaster avoidance Automated failback Support for Third-party array-based replication Enterprise Centralized recovery plans Self-service, policy-based provisioning Automated disaster recovery failover Planned migration and disaster avoidance Automated failback Support for Third-party array-based replication HORIZON (with View) Yüksek performanslı ve esnek masaüstü sanallaştırma çözümüdür. Normalde fiziksel bilgisayarlar üzerinde çalışan son kullanıcı işletim sistemlerinin konsolide edilerek veri merkezi içinde merkezi bir şekilde çalıştırılmasına ve yönetilmesine imkan tanır. Kullanıcılar kendilerine ait ya da paylaşılan sanal masaüstlerine istedikleri cihazdan bağlanarak klasik masaüstü deneyimini ve daha fazlasını yaşayabilirler. Standart Concurrent User (CCU) Packaged Applications (ThinApps) Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Cloud infrastructure (vSphere Desktop & vCenter Desktop) Advanced Concurrent User (CCU) – Named User Virtual Storage (Virtual SAN) Application Catalog Hosted Applications (RDSH) Packaged Applications (ThinApps) Image Management for Physical Desktops Image Management for Virtual Desktops Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Cloud Infrastructure (vSphere Desktop & vCenter Desktop) Enterprise Concurrent User (CCU) – Named User Design and Workflow Automation Operations Dashboard – Health Monitoring & Perf Analytics Capacity Management – Planning & Optimization Virtual Storage (Virtual SAN) Application Catalog Hosted Applications (RDSH) Real-time Application Delivery (App Volumes) Packaged Applications (ThinApps) Image Management for Physical Desktops Image Management for Virtual Desktops Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Cloud Infrastructure (vSphere Desktop & vCenter Desktop) vCloud Suite Son kullanıcıların ihtiyacı olan her türlü BT servisinin minimum insan müdahalesiyle hızlı ve otomatize bir şekilde hizmete sunulması ve yaşam döngüsünün takip edilmesi işlemlerini yapar.

Veri merkezi içindeki her türlü donanım ve yazılım ile entegre olarak bugün BT ekibinin herhangi bir servisi hayata geçirmek için adım adım elle kurup yönettiği tüm aşamaları otomatikleştirir ve standartlaştırır. Standart vRealize Automation Standard vRealize Operations Standard vCloud Networking and Security vCloud Director vSphere Enterprise Plus Advanced vRealize Automation Advanced vRealize Operations Advanced vCloud Networking and Security vCloud Director vSphere Enterprise Plus Enterprise vRealize Automation Enterprise vRealize Operations Enterprise vCloud Networking and Security vCloud Director vSphere Enterprise Plus Site Recovery Manager Enterprise vRealize Operations Standart vRealize Operations Manager Predictive Analytics and Smart Alerts Policy Management Automation and Guided Remediation vSphere Performance and Health Monitoring vSphere Resource Monitoring, Planning and Optimization vSphere Hardening & Compliance Advanced vRealize Operations Manager vRealize Configuration Manager vRealize Hyperic vRealize Infrastructure Navigator Predictive Analytics and Smart Alerts Policy Management Automation and Guided Remediation Customizable Dashboards and Reports vSphere Performance and Health Monitoring SAN Storage Analytics Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping OS Monitoring (Windows, Linux, Solaris, etc. for Physical & Virtual) vSphere Resource Monitoring, Planning and Optimization Capacity Model-driven Analytics vSphere Hardening & Compliance Extensible with 3rd party management packs for server, storage, and network monitoring tools Enterprise vRealize Operations Manager vRealize Configuration Manager vRealize Hyperic vRealize Infrastructure Navigator Predictive Analytics and Smart Alerts Policy Management Automation and Guided Remediation Customizable Dashboards and Reports vSphere Performance and Health Monitoring SAN Storage Analytics Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping OS Monitoring (Windows, Linux, Solaris, etc. for Physical & Virtual) Application, Middleware and Database Monitoring (Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, etc.) vSphere Resource Monitoring, Planning and Optimization) Capacity Model-driven Analytics vSphere Hardening & Compliance OS-level Configuration & Regulatory Compliance (PCI, HIPAA, SOX, etc.) Extensible with 3rd party management packs for server, storage, and network monitoring tools Extensible with 3rd party management packs for application and database monitoring tools MIRAGE Fiziksel son kullanıcı bilgisayarları için yedekleme ve merkezi imaj yönetimi çözümüdür. BT ekibi Mirage kullanarak son kullanıcı bilgisayarlarının yedeğini alabilir, gerektiğinde aynı ya da farklı bir bilgisayar üzerinde yedeğin tamamını veya bir bölümünü geri dönebilir. Ayrıca merkezi olarak imaj yönetimi, işletim sistemi yükseltme, güncelleme, uygulama yükleme gerçekleştirebilir. Özellikleri *Desktop Management -Dynamic layering for endpoint and application management -Unified image management for physical and Horizon virtual desktops -Automated backup and full system recovery -Designed for distributed environments *End-User Productivity -Optimized and adaptive experience -Personalized performance -Self-service file access and recovery *Simplified OS Migrations, Including Windows 7 and 8.1 -Accelerated Windows 7 and 8.1 migrations -Choose your migration approach -Automated backups -Automated, in-place Windows 7 migration with Sophos 5.5 endpoint encryption -Extensive support VDPA (vSphere Data Protection Advanced) Sanal ve fiziksel sunucuların imaj ve uygulama tabanlı olarak yedekleme ve geri yüklenmesine imkan tanıyan çözümdür. vSAN (Virtual SAN) Fiziksel sunucular üzerine takılan SSD ve HDD sürücülerin yüksek performanslı ve yüksek süreklilik sağlayan bir depolama alanına dönüştürülüp sanal sunucular tarafından kullanılmasına imkan tanıyan teknolojidir. Bu sayede yüksek maliyetli paylaşılmış depolama alanlarına gerek olmadan sanallaştırma teknolojileri tarafından sağlanan tüm esneklik ve yetenekler sunucular üzerine lokal olarak takılmış sabit disk sürücüleri üzerinden de verilebilmektedir. AIRWATCH Mobil cihazların ve bu cihazlar üzerindeki uygulama ve her türlü içeriğin merkezi olarak yönetilmesine, denetlenmesine ve raporlanmasına olanak sağlar. FUSION PRO Fusion, Mac işletim sistemi üzerinde sanallaştırma yapılabilmesini sağlar. Mac üzerinde Windows uygulamalarının çalıştırılabilmesi için kullanımı kolay bir çözüm sunar. WORKSTATION Workstation, Windows ve Linux kişisel bilgisayarlar için sanallaştırma çözümü sunar.